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Gareth Willey
2 years ago
I've had these five apps on my phone for a long time.
Who survives spring cleaning?
Relax. Notion is off-limits. This topic is popular.
(I wrote about it 2 years ago, before everyone else did.) So).
These apps are probably new to you. I hope you find a new phone app after reading this.
ViewRanger is Google Maps for outdoor enthusiasts.
This app has been so important to me as a freedom-loving long-distance walker and hiker.
This app shows nearby trails and right-of-ways on top of an Open Street Map.
Helpful detail and data. Any route's distance,
You can download and follow tons of routes planned by app users.
This has helped me find new routes and places a fellow explorer has tried.
Free with non-intrusive ads. Years passed before I subscribed. Pro costs £2.23/month.
This app is for outdoor lovers.
Google Files
New phones come with bloatware. These rushed apps are frustrating.
We must replace these apps. 2017 was Google's year.
Files is a file manager. It's quick, innovative, and clean. They've given people what they want.
It's easy to organize files, clear space, and clear cache.
I recommend Gallery by Google as a gallery app alternative. It's quick and easy.
App for trains, buses, and coaches.
I've used this app for years. It did the basics well when I first used it.
Since then, it's improved. It's constantly adding features to make traveling easier and less stressful.
Split-ticketing helps me save hundreds a year on train fares. This app is only available in the UK and Europe.
This service doesn't link to a third-party site. Their app handles everything.
Not all train and coach companies use this app. All the big names are there, though.
Here's more on the app.
Battlefield: Mobile
Play Store has 478,000 games. Few can turn my phone into a console.
Call of Duty Mobile and Asphalt 8/9 are examples.
Asphalt's loot boxes and ads make it unplayable. Call of Duty opens with a few ads. Close them to play without hassle.
This game uses all your phone's features to provide a high-quality, seamless experience. If my internet connection is good, I never experience lag or glitches.
The gameplay is energizing and intense, just like on consoles. Sometimes I'm too involved. I've thrown my phone in anger. I'm totally absorbed.
Customizability is my favorite. Since phones have limited screen space, we should only have the buttons we need, placed conveniently.
Size, opacity, and position are modifiable. Adjust audio, graphics, and textures. It's customizable.
This game has been on my phone for three years. It began well and has gotten better. When I think the creators can't do more, they do.
If you play, read my tips for winning a Battle Royale.
As a photographer, I believe your best camera is on you. The phone.
2017 was a big year for this app. I've tried many photo-editing apps since then. This always wins.
The app is dull. I've never seen better photo editing on a phone.
Adjusting settings and sliders doesn't damage or compress photos. It's detailed.
This is important for phone photos, which are lower quality than professional ones.
Some tools are behind a £4.49/month paywall. Adobe must charge a subscription fee instead of selling licenses. (I'm still bitter about Creative Cloud's price)
Snapseed is my pick. Lightroom is where I do basic editing before moving to Snapseed. Snapseed review:
These apps are great. They cover basic and complex editing needs while traveling.
Final Reflections
I hope you downloaded one of these. Share your favorite apps. These apps are scarce.

Gajus Kuizinas
2 years ago
How a few lines of code were able to eliminate a few million queries from the database
I was entering tens of millions of records per hour when I first published Slonik PostgreSQL client for Node.js. The data being entered was usually flat, making it straightforward to use INSERT INTO ... SELECT * FROM unnset() pattern
. I advocated the unnest approach for inserting rows in groups (that was part I).
However, today I’ve found a better way: jsonb_to_recordset.
expands the top-level JSON array of objects to a set of rows having the composite type defined by an AS clause.
allows us to query and insert records from arbitrary JSON, like unnest. Since we're giving JSON to PostgreSQL instead of unnest, the final format is more expressive and powerful.
FROM json_to_recordset('[{"name":"John","tags":["foo","bar"]},{"name":"Jane","tags":["baz"]}]')
AS t1(name text, tags text[]);
name | tags
John | {foo,bar}
Jane | {baz}
(2 rows)
Let’s demonstrate how you would use it to insert data.
Inserting data using json_to_recordset
Say you need to insert a list of people with attributes into the database.
const persons = [
name: 'John',
tags: ['foo', 'bar']
name: 'Jane',
tags: ['baz']
You may be tempted to traverse through the array and insert each record separately, e.g.
for (const person of persons) {
await pool.query(sql`
INSERT INTO person (name, tags)
${sql.array(person.tags, 'text[]')}
It's easier to read and grasp when working with a few records. If you're like me and troubleshoot a 2M+ insert query per day, batching inserts may be beneficial.
What prompted the search for better alternatives.
Inserting using unnest
pattern might look like this:
await pool.query(sql`
INSERT INTO public.person (name, tags)
SELECT, t1.tags::text[]
FROM unnest(
${sql.array(['John', 'Jane'], 'text')},
${sql.array(['{foo,bar}', '{baz}'], 'text')}
) AS t1.(name, tags);
You must convert arrays into PostgreSQL array strings and provide them as text arguments, which is unsightly. Iterating the array to create slices for each column is likewise unattractive.
However, with jsonb_to_recordset
, we can:
await pool.query(sql`
INSERT INTO person (name, tags)
FROM jsonb_to_recordset(${sql.jsonb(persons)}) AS t(name text, tags text[])
In contrast to the unnest
approach, using jsonb_to_recordset
we can easily insert complex nested data structures, and we can pass the original JSON document to the query without needing to manipulate it.
In terms of performance they are also exactly the same. As such, my current recommendation is to prefer jsonb_to_recordset
whenever inserting lots of rows or nested data structures.

Farhad Malik
2 years ago
How This Python Script Makes Me Money Every Day
Starting a passive income stream with data science and programming
My website is fresh. But how do I monetize it?
Creating a passive-income website is difficult. Advertise first. But what useful are ads without traffic?
Let’s Generate Traffic And Put Our Programming Skills To Use
SEO boosts traffic (Search Engine Optimisation). Traffic generation is complex. Keywords matter more than text, URL, photos, etc.
My Python skills helped here. I wanted to find relevant, Google-trending keywords (tags) for my topic.
First The Code
I wrote the script below here.
import re
from string import punctuation
import nltk
from nltk import TreebankWordTokenizer, sent_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
class KeywordsGenerator:
def __init__(self, pytrends):
self._pytrends = pytrends
def generate_tags(self, file_path, top_words=30):
file_text = self._get_file_contents(file_path)
clean_text = self._remove_noise(file_text)
top_words = self._get_top_words(clean_text, top_words)
suggestions = []
for top_word in top_words:
tags = self._clean_tokens(suggestions)
return ",".join(list(set(tags)))
def _remove_noise(self, text):
#1. Convert Text To Lowercase and remove numbers
lower_case_text = str.lower(text)
just_text = re.sub(r'\d+', '', lower_case_text)
#2. Tokenise Paragraphs To words
list = sent_tokenize(just_text)
tokenizer = TreebankWordTokenizer()
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(just_text)
#3. Clean text
clean = self._clean_tokens(tokens)
return clean
def _clean_tokens(self, tokens):
clean_words = [w for w in tokens if w not in punctuation]
stopwords_to_remove = stopwords.words('english')
clean = [w for w in clean_words if w not in stopwords_to_remove and not w.isnumeric()]
return clean
def get_suggestions(self, keyword):
print(f'Searching pytrends for {keyword}')
result = []
self._pytrends.build_payload([keyword], cat=0, timeframe='today 12-m')
data = self._pytrends.related_queries()[keyword]['top']
if data is None or data.values is None:
return result
result.extend([x[0] for x in data.values.tolist()][:2])
return result
def _get_file_contents(self, file_path):
return open(file_path, "r", encoding='utf-8',errors='ignore').read()
def _get_top_words(self, words, top):
counts = dict()
for word in words:
if word in counts:
counts[word] += 1
counts[word] = 1
return list({k: v for k, v in sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])}.keys())[:top]
if __name__ == "1__main__":
from pytrends.request import TrendReq'punkt')'stopwords')
pytrends = TrendReq(hl='en-GB', tz=360)
tags = KeywordsGenerator(pytrends)\
Then The Dependencies
This script requires:
Analysis of the Script
I copy and paste my article into text file.txt, and the code returns the keywords as a comma-separated string.
To achieve this:
A class I made is called KeywordsGenerator.
This class has a function:
The function
performs the following tasks:
retrieves text file contents
uses NLP to clean the text by tokenizing sentences into words, removing punctuation, and other elements.
identifies the most frequent words that are relevant.
API is then used to retrieve related phrases that are trending for each word from Google.finally adds a comma to the end of the word list.
4. I then use the keywords and paste them into the SEO area of my website.
These terms are trending on Google and relevant to my topic. My site's rankings and traffic have improved since I added new keywords. This little script puts our knowledge to work. I shared the script in case anyone faces similar issues.
I hope it helps readers sell their work.
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Max Chafkin
2 years ago
Elon Musk Bets $44 Billion on Free Speech's Future
Musk’s purchase of Twitter has sealed his bond with the American right—whether the platform’s left-leaning employees and users like it or not.
Elon Musk's pursuit of Twitter Inc. began earlier this month as a joke. It started slowly, then spiraled out of control, culminating on April 25 with the world's richest man agreeing to spend $44 billion on one of the most politically significant technology companies ever. There have been bigger financial acquisitions, but Twitter's significance has always outpaced its balance sheet. This is a unique Silicon Valley deal.
To recap: Musk announced in early April that he had bought a stake in Twitter, citing the company's alleged suppression of free speech. His complaints were vague, relying heavily on the dog whistles of the ultra-right. A week later, he announced he'd buy the company for $54.20 per share, four days after initially pledging to join Twitter's board. Twitter's directors noticed the 420 reference as well, and responded with a “shareholder rights” plan (i.e., a poison pill) that included a 420 joke.
Musk - Patrick Pleul/Getty Images
No one knew if the bid was genuine. Musk's Twitter plans seemed implausible or insincere. In a tweet, he referred to automated accounts that use his name to promote cryptocurrency. He enraged his prospective employees by suggesting that Twitter's San Francisco headquarters be turned into a homeless shelter, renaming the company Titter, and expressing solidarity with his growing conservative fan base. “The woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable,” he tweeted on April 19.
But Musk got funding, and after a frantic weekend of negotiations, Twitter said yes. Unlike most buyouts, Musk will personally fund the deal, putting up up to $21 billion in cash and borrowing another $12.5 billion against his Tesla stock.
Free Speech and Partisanship
Percentage of respondents who agree with the following
The deal is expected to replatform accounts that were banned by Twitter for harassing others, spreading misinformation, or inciting violence, such as former President Donald Trump's account. As a result, Musk is at odds with his own left-leaning employees, users, and advertisers, who would prefer more content moderation rather than less.
Dorsey - Photographer: Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Previously, the company's leadership had similar issues. Founder Jack Dorsey stepped down last year amid concerns about slowing growth and product development, as well as his dual role as CEO of payments processor Block Inc. Compared to Musk, a father of seven who already runs four companies (besides Tesla and SpaceX), Dorsey is laser-focused.
Musk's motivation to buy Twitter may be political. Affirming the American far right with $44 billion spent on “free speech” Right-wing activists have promoted a series of competing upstart Twitter competitors—Parler, Gettr, and Trump's own effort, Truth Social—since Trump was banned from major social media platforms for encouraging rioters at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. But Musk can give them a social network with lax content moderation and a real user base. Trump said he wouldn't return to Twitter after the deal was announced, but he wouldn't be the first to do so.
Trump - Eli Hiller/Bloomberg
Conservative activists and lawmakers are already ecstatic. “A great day for free speech in America,” said Missouri Republican Josh Hawley. The day the deal was announced, Tucker Carlson opened his nightly Fox show with a 10-minute laudatory monologue. “The single biggest political development since Donald Trump's election in 2016,” he gushed over Musk.
But Musk's supporters and detractors misunderstand how much his business interests influence his political ideology. He marketed Tesla's cars as carbon-saving machines that were faster and cooler than gas-powered luxury cars during George W. Bush's presidency. Musk gained a huge following among wealthy environmentalists who reserved hundreds of thousands of Tesla sedans years before they were made during Barack Obama's presidency. Musk in the Trump era advocated for a carbon tax, but he also fought local officials (and his own workers) over Covid rules that slowed the reopening of his Bay Area factory.
Teslas at the Las Vegas Convention Center Loop Central Station in April 2021. The Las Vegas Convention Center Loop was Musk's first commercial project. Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Musk's rightward shift matched the rise of the nationalist-populist right and the desire to serve a growing EV market. In 2019, he unveiled the Cybertruck, a Tesla pickup, and in 2018, he announced plans to manufacture it at a new plant outside Austin. In 2021, he decided to move Tesla's headquarters there, citing California's "land of over-regulation." After Ford and General Motors beat him to the electric truck market, Musk reframed Tesla as a company for pickup-driving dudes.
Similarly, his purchase of Twitter will be entwined with his other business interests. Tesla has a factory in China and is friendly with Beijing. This could be seen as a conflict of interest when Musk's Twitter decides how to treat Chinese-backed disinformation, as Inc. founder Jeff Bezos noted.
Musk has focused on Twitter's product and social impact, but the company's biggest challenges are financial: Either increase cash flow or cut costs to comfortably service his new debt. Even if Musk can't do that, he can still benefit from the deal. He has recently used the increased attention to promote other business interests: Boring has hyperloops and Neuralink brain implants on the way, Musk tweeted. Remember Tesla's long-promised robotaxis!
Musk may be comfortable saying he has no expectation of profit because it benefits his other businesses. At the TED conference on April 14, Musk insisted that his interest in Twitter was solely charitable. “I don't care about money.”
The rockets and weed jokes make it easy to see Musk as unique—and his crazy buyout will undoubtedly add to that narrative. However, he is a megabillionaire who is risking a small amount of money (approximately 13% of his net worth) to gain potentially enormous influence. Musk makes everything seem new, but this is a rehash of an old media story.

Caspar Mahoney
2 years ago
Changing Your Mindset From a Project to a Product
Product game mindsets? How do these vary from Project mindset?
1950s spawned the Iron Triangle. Project people everywhere know and live by it. In stakeholder meetings, it is used to stretch the timeframe, request additional money, or reduce scope.
Quality was added to this triangle as things matured.
Quality was intended to be transformative, but none of these principles addressed why we conduct projects.
Value and benefits are key.
Product value is quantified by ROI, revenue, profit, savings, or other metrics. For me, every project or product delivery is about value.
Most project managers, especially those schooled 5-10 years or more ago (thousands working in huge corporations worldwide), understand the world in terms of the iron triangle. What does that imply? They worry about:
a) enough time to get the thing done.
b) have enough resources (budget) to get the thing done.
c) have enough scope to fit within (a) and (b) >> note, they never have too little scope, not that I have ever seen! although, theoretically, this could happen.
Boom—iron triangle.
To make the triangle function, project managers will utilize formal governance (Steering) to move those things. Increase money, scope, or both if time is short. Lacking funds? Increase time, scope, or both.
In current product development, shifting each item considerably may not yield value/benefit.
Even terrible. This approach will fail because it deprioritizes Value/Benefit by focusing the major stakeholders (Steering participants) and delivery team(s) on Time, Scope, and Budget restrictions.
Pre-agile, this problem was terrible. IT projects failed wildly. History is here.
Value, or benefit, is central to the product method. Product managers spend most of their time planning value-delivery paths.
Product people consider risk, schedules, scope, and budget, but value comes first. Let me illustrate.
Imagine managing internal products in an enterprise. Your core customer team needs a rapid text record of a chat to fix a problem. The consumer wants a feature/features added to a product you're producing because they think it's the greatest spot.
Project-minded, I may say;
Ok, I have budget as this is an existing project, due to run for a year. This is a new requirement to add to the features we’re already building. I think I can keep the deadline, and include this scope, as it sounds related to the feature set we’re building to give the desired result”.
This attitude repeats Scope, Time, and Budget.
Since it meets those standards, a project manager will likely approve it. If they have a backlog, they may add it and start specking it out assuming it will be built.
Instead, think like a product;
What problem does this feature idea solve? Is that problem relevant to the product I am building? Can that problem be solved quicker/better via another route ? Is it the most valuable problem to solve now? Is the problem space aligned to our current or future strategy? or do I need to alter/update the strategy?
A product mindset allows you to focus on timing, resource/cost, feasibility, feature detail, and so on after answering the aforementioned questions.
The above oversimplifies because
Leadership in discovery
Project managers are facilitators of ideas. This is as far as they normally go in the ‘idea’ space.
Business Requirements collection in classic project delivery requires extensive upfront documentation.
Agile project delivery analyzes requirements iteratively.
However, the project manager is a facilitator/planner first and foremost, therefore topic knowledge is not expected.
I mean business domain, not technical domain (to confuse matters, it is true that in some instances, it can be both technical and business domains that are important for a single individual to master).
Product managers are domain experts. They will become one if they are training/new.
They lead discovery.
Product Manager-led discovery is much more than requirements gathering.
Requirements gathering involves a Business Analyst interviewing people and documenting their requests.
The project manager calculates what fits and what doesn't using their Iron Triangle (presumably in their head) and reports back to Steering.
If this requirements-gathering exercise failed to identify requirements, what would a project manager do? or bewildered by project requirements and scope?
They would tell Steering they need a Business SME or Business Lead assigning or more of their time.
Product discovery requires the Product Manager's subject knowledge and a new mindset.
How should a Product Manager handle confusing requirements?
Product Managers handle these challenges with their talents and tools. They use their own knowledge to fill in ambiguity, but they have the discipline to validate those assumptions.
To define the problem, they may perform qualitative or quantitative primary research.
They might discuss with UX and Engineering on a whiteboard and test assumptions or hypotheses.
Do Product Managers escalate confusing requirements to Steering/Senior leaders? They would fix that themselves.
Product managers raise unclear strategy and outcomes to senior stakeholders. Open talks, soft skills, and data help them do this. They rarely raise requirements since they have their own means of handling them without top stakeholder participation.
Discovery is greenfield, exploratory, research-based, and needs higher-order stakeholder management, user research, and UX expertise.
Product Managers also aid discovery. They lead discovery. They will not leave customer/user engagement to a Business Analyst. Administratively, a business analyst could aid. In fact, many product organizations discourage business analysts (rely on PM, UX, and engineer involvement with end-users instead).
The Product Manager must drive user interaction, research, ideation, and problem analysis, therefore a Product professional must be skilled and confident.
Creating vs. receiving and having an entrepreneurial attitude
Product novices and project managers focus on details rather than the big picture. Project managers prefer spreadsheets to strategy whiteboards and vision statements.
These folks ask their manager or senior stakeholders, "What should we do?"
They then elaborate (in Jira, in XLS, in Confluence or whatever).
They want that plan populated fast because it reduces uncertainty about what's going on and who's supposed to do what.
Skilled Product Managers don't only ask folks Should we?
They're suggesting this, or worse, Senior stakeholders, here are some options. After asking and researching, they determine what value this product adds, what problems it solves, and what behavior it changes.
Therefore, to move into Product, you need to broaden your view and have courage in your ability to discover ideas, find insightful pieces of information, and collate them to form a valuable plan of action. You are constantly defining RoI and building Business Cases, so much so that you no longer create documents called Business Cases, it is simply ingrained in your work through metrics, intelligence, and insights.
Product Management is not a free lunch.
Plates and food must be prepared.
In conclusion, Product Managers must make at least three mentality shifts:
You put value first in all things. Time, money, and scope are not as important as knowing what is valuable.
You have faith in the field and have the ability to direct the search. YYou facilitate, but you don’t just facilitate. You wouldn't want to limit your domain expertise in that manner.
You develop concepts, strategies, and vision. You are not a waiter or an inbox where other people can post suggestions; you don't merely ask folks for opinion and record it. However, you excel at giving things that aren't clearly spoken or written down physical form.

Liz Martin
2 years ago
What Motivated Amazon to Spend $1 Billion for The Rings of Power?
Amazon's Rings of Power is the most costly TV series ever made. This is merely a down payment towards Amazon's grand goal.
Here's a video:
Amazon bought J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy novels for $250 million in 2017. This agreement allows Amazon to create a Tolkien series for Prime Video.
The business spent years developing and constructing a Lord of the Rings prequel. Rings of Power premiered on September 2, 2022.
It drew 25 million global viewers in 24 hours. Prime Video's biggest debut.
An Exorbitant Budget
The most expensive. First season cost $750 million to $1 billion, making it the most costly TV show ever.
Jeff Bezos has spent years looking for the next Game of Thrones, a critically and commercially successful original series. Rings of Power could help.
Why would Amazon bet $1 billion on one series?
It's Not Just About the Streaming War
It's simple to assume Amazon just wants to win. Since 2018, the corporation has been fighting Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Apple, Disney, and NBC. Each wants your money, talent, and attention. Amazon's investment goes beyond rivalry.
Subscriptions Are the Bait
Audible, Amazon Music, and Prime Video are subscription services, although the company's fundamental business is retail. Amazon's online stores contribute over 50% of company revenue. Subscription services contribute 6.8%. The company's master plan depends on these subscriptions.
Streaming videos on Prime increases membership renewals. Free trial participants are more likely to join. Members buy twice as much as non-members.
Amazon Studios doesn't generate original programming to earn from Prime Video subscriptions. It aims to retain and attract clients.
Amazon can track what you watch and buy. Its algorithm recommends items and services. Mckinsey says you'll use more Amazon products, shop at Amazon stores, and watch Amazon entertainment.
In 2015, the firm launched the first season of The Man in the High Castle, a dystopian alternate history TV series depicting a world ruled by Nazi Germany and Japan after World War II.
This $72 million production earned two Emmys. It garnered 1.15 million new Prime users globally.
When asked about his Hollywood investment, Bezos said, "A Golden Globe helps us sell more shoes."
Selling more footwear
Amazon secured a deal with DirecTV to air Thursday Night Football in restaurants and bars. First streaming service to have exclusive NFL games.
This isn't just about Thursday night football, says media analyst Ritchie Greenfield. This sells t-shirts. This may be a ticket. Amazon does more than stream games.
The Rings of Power isn't merely a production showcase, either. This sells Tolkien's fantasy novels such Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion.
This tiny commitment keeps you in Amazon's ecosystem.